فيديو كيف تعرف ماذا يريد الطفل من بكائه

Publisher: n/a
Number Of Pages:
Publication Date: 2006-12-01
ISBN-13 / EAN: 0689076509954
Product Description:
As announced in an exclusive interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Australian mother Priscilla Dunstan has the world talking with the discovery of the secret language of babies. This breakthrough in infant care is the result of one mother's intuition that began nearly a decade of investigation and international research. The Dunstan Baby Language DVD teaches parents the 5 cries all newborns use to communicate their everyday needs from day 1. You will know when your baby is hungry, tired, needs burping, has lower wind or is simply uncomfortable. By learning this System parents are able to settle their baby faster, resulting in happier babies who sleep longer and cry less - something every new parent would wish for.
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