The greatest tests are the ones we view as stupid
We forget to tell those who are important to us just how much we care.
We forget that every cloud has a silver lining.
We view our problems as though they can never be solved.
We forget that there is always a tomorrow.
We hold on to the past like it can help us through today.
We see challenges as a trial, forgetting that trials are what give us character.
We forget to smile, laugh and be happy.

Life is a wonderful gift, how we accept things in life depends on how we see ourselves.
Life is wonderful, we meet wonderful people, have great friendships,
share wonderful secrets and moments and get to be loved, and to love.
Do not take life for granted.
May yours be filled with love and happiness ALWAYS


Happiness is like a butterfly...

The more you chase it, the more it will elude you...
But if you turn your attention to other things...
It comes and softly sits on your shoulder...

Don't seek happiness... Happiness will find you!!!



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